Dear Six Month Old Maura

Dear Six Month Old Maura,img_6108

Happy 1st Half Birthday!! Has it really been half a year already? I love you more and more every day. You are so sweet, curious, and smart. The past month has been busy!

We started Live and Learn with Baby classes last week. It’s a 10 week class hosted by Linn Benton Community College (LBCC) at our local library. We meet once a week for 2 hours with our babies and sing songs, read books, and chat with other moms about various topics that we chose as being interested in. You have a blast. You aren’t afraid to dive right in and play with the toys, and although you’ve gotten a little timid lately with strangers – you seem to know other moms and smile at them.

You’re sitting up, and almost getting into a sitting position on your own. You can scoot across a room in seconds (army crawl style)- and often do. I can’t take my eyes off you for one second without you taking off to explore! We started trying solid foods and although you were not a fan at first – we’ve found a few you like… peas being your favorite! You’ve had sweet potatoes, rice cereal, avocado, peas, and banana. You grab the spoon and try to do it yourself. We joke that instead of a bib, we need a space suit with just a tiny mouth hole to keep you clean. You also cut two teeth! You handled those teeth like a champ and although I’m sure they hurt – you didn’t let them get to you to much. img_5984

Love you more and more every day. I wish time could just stop and we could stay here forever.





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